Amérique 1950 : le « White only » s'applique partout : bus, hôtels, culture ; pour un soldat noir, voyager d'un État à l'autre est une odyssée. C'est dans un pays au bord de l'implosion que, de retour de la guerre de Corée, Frank Money, miné par de terribles crises d'angoisse et une incapacité totale à renouer avec les autres, reçoit un appel au secours de sa soeur gravement malade, lui demandant de venir à Atlanta. Il se lance alors dans la traversée de cette Amérique ségrégationniste pour la ramener à Lotus, ville de leur enfance. Un voyage emblématique vers ce lieu fantasmé comme détesté, aimé et subi, durant lequel Franck Money se redécouvrira pour se reconstruire. Toni Morrison fait de ce roman, condensé au vitriol de la mémoire honteuse de cette époque, un miroir tendu à l'Amérique d'aujourd'hui.Approuvée par l'auteure elle-même, Anna Mouglalis donne au roman de Toni Morrison ce mélange de gravité et de sérénité qui en font déjà un texte mémorial.
Nobel Prize laureate Toni Morrisons spellbinding new novel is a Faulknerian symphony of passion and hatred, power and perversity, color and class that spans three generations of black women in a fading beach town.
In life, Bill Cosey enjoyed the affections of many women, who would do almost anything to gain his favor. In death his hold on them may be even stronger. Wife, daughter, granddaughter, employee, mistress: As Morrisons protagonists stake their furious claim on Coseys memory and estate, using everything from intrigue to outright violence, she creates a work that is shrewd, funny, erotic, and heartwrenching. -
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Two girls who grow up to become women. Two friends who become something worse than enemies. In this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison tells the story of Nel Wright and Sula Peace, who meet as children in the small town of Medallion, Ohio. Their devotion is fierce enough to withstand bullies and the burden of a dreadful secret. It endures even after Nel has grown up to be a pillar of the black community and Sula has become a pariah. But their friendship ends in an unforgivable betrayal--or does it end? Terrifying, comic, ribald and tragic, Sula is a work that overflows with life. "You can't go wrong by reading or re-reading the collected works of Toni Morrison. Beloved , Song of Solomo n, The Bluest Eye , Sula , everything else -- they're transcendent, all of them. Youll be glad you read them."--Barack Obama
New York Times Bestseller Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl, prays every day for beauty. Mocked by other children for the dark skin, curly hair, and brown eyes that set her apart, she yearns for normalcy, for the blond hair and blue eyes that she believes will allow her to finally fit in. Yet as her dream grows more fervent, her life slowly starts to disintegrate in the face of adversity and strife. A powerful examination of our obsession with beauty and conformity, Toni Morrisons virtuosic first novel asks powerful questions about race, class, and gender with the subtlety and grace that have always characterized her writing. "You can't go wrong by reading or re-reading the collected works of Toni Morrison. Beloved , Song of Solomo n, The Bluest Eye , Sula , everything else -- they're transcendent, all of them. Youll be glad you read them."--Barack Obama
Discours de réception du prix Nobel de littérature ; Stockholm, le 10 décembre 1993
Toni Morrison
- Les Editions Du Portrait
- 9 Avril 2021
- 9782371200265
Le discours de Toni Morrison qu'elle a écrit et lu pour la réception de son Prix Nobel.
Ce texte magnifique est construit à partir d'une allégorie (ci-dessous) qui lui permet de déployer avec une rare poésie l'idée qui traverse toute son oeuvre : préserver le langage et la responsabilité individuellement et collectivement, de chacun, dans sa relation à l'autre.
Toni Morrison commence ainsi son texte par «il était une fois», 4 mots qui a eux seuls portent la puissance de l'imaginaire.
Il était une fois une vieille femme, fille d'un esclave, sage et aveugle. Au milieu des siens, elle incarnait la loi et la transgression. Un jour de jeunes gens, se méfiant de sa sagesse et pensant qu'elle est une imposteur, vont la voir et la provoquent en lui demandant si dans leurs mains se trouve un oiseau vivant ou mort. Après un long silence, la vieille femme dit ne pas savoir si l'oiseau est vivant ou mort mais elle sait que l'oiseau est dans leurs mains : si il est mort, c'est qu'ils l'ont trouvé mort ou qu'ils l'ont tué, si il est vivant, ils peuvent le tuer.
Le discours de Toni Morrison, paru chez Bourgois en 1994, n'est plus disponible.
L'éditeur l'a inclu dans le recueil La source de l'amour propre : 432 pages, 23 euros.
Ce premier livre accompagne Happy Family de Kathleen Collins. Les deux autrices, provenant de deux continents différents, partagent les mêmes convictions littéraires et politiques.
A beautiful and important book' The Times On the day that Jacob, an Anglo-Dutch trader, agrees to accept a slave in lieu of payment for a debt from a plantation owner, little Florens's life changes irrevocably.
With her keen intelligence and passion for wearing the cast-off shoes of her mistress, Florens has never blurred into the background and now at the age of eight she is uprooted from her family to begin a new life with a new master. She ends up part of Jacob's household, along with his wife Rebekka, Lina their Native American servant, and the enigmatic Sorrow who was rescued from a shipwreck. Together these women face the trials of their harsh environment as Jacob attempts to carve out a place for himself in the brutally unforgiving landscape of North America in the seventeenth century.
BY THE NOBEL PRIZE-WINNING AUTHOR OF BELOVED Winner of the PEN/Saul Bellow award for achievement in American fiction
Spare and unsparing, God Help the Child --the first novel by Toni Morrison to be set in our current moment--weaves a tale about the way the sufferings of childhood can shape, and misshape, the life of the adult. At the center: a young woman who calls herself Bride, whose stunning blue-black skin is only one element of her beauty, her boldness and confidence, her success in life, but which caused her light-skinned mother to deny her even the simplest forms of love. There is Booker, the man Bride loves, and loses to anger. Rain, the mysterious white child with whom she crosses paths. And finally, Brides mother herself, Sweetness, who takes a lifetime to come to understand that what you do to children matters. And they might never forget. A fierce and provocative novel that adds a new dimension to the matchless oeuvre of Toni Morrison.