Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 7 Février 2005
- 9780194230933
Heart of Darkness
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 26 Décembre 2000
- 9780192833730
The Flowers of Evil
Charles Baudelaire
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 17 Avril 2008
- 9780199535583
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken portrayal of lesbian love, its linking sexuality and death, its unremitting irony, and its unflinching celebration of the seamy side of urban life. The volume was seized by the police, and Baudelaire and his published were put on trial for offence to public decency. Six offending poems were banned, in a conviction that was not overturned until 1949. This bold new translation, which restores the banned poems to their original places and reveals the full richness and
The Secret Agent
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780192801692
Love or money? niveau 1
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194789080
Sherlock holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 17 Mars 2014
- 9780199672066
Le Dr Watson nous raconte les affaires les plus difficiles que le grand détective Sherlock Holmes a résolu avec l'aide de son compagnon de toujours. Le plus Britannique de tous les limiers procède avec méthode mais c'est toujours son intuition qui fait mouche !
Six enquêtes trépidantes qui ont donné du fil à retordre à nos deux héros.
Sherlock holmes and the sport of kings niveau: 1
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194789202
Black beauty ; niveau 4
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194791663
The murders in the rue morgue niveau: 2
Edgar Allan Poe
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194790789
'It was I who removed de P - this morning.' With these chilling words Victor Haldin shatters the solitary, industrious existence of Razumov, his fellow student at St Petersburg University. Razumov aims to overcome the denial of his noble birth by a brilliant career in the tsarist bureaucracy created by Peter the Great. But in pre-revolutionary Russia Peter's legacy is autocracy tempered by assassination; and Razumov is soon caught in a tragic web with Haldin's trustful sister Natalia in spy-haunted Geneva. Their fateful story is told by an elderly Englishman who loves Natalia but plays his part of a 'dense Westerner' to the end.
Ethan Frome ; niveau 3
Edith Wharton
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194791151
The heart of darkness and other tales
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780192801722
Typhoon and other tales
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780192801739
The aspern papers ; and other stories
Henry James
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 1 Janvier 1990
- 9780192836168
Outcast of the islands
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780192838407
Selected stories
Katherine Mansfield
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 4 Septembre 2000
- 9780192835161
Too old to rock and roll and other stories ; niveau 2
Jan Mark
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194790741
Lord Jim ; niveau 4
Joseph Conrad
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 2 Mars 2006
- 9780194230377
Russian pocket dictionary
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 10 Mai 2006
- 9780198610069
Derived from the "Oxford Russian Dictionary", this edition offers vocabulary in each language, as well as appendices on grammar, writing letters, and information on life and culture in Russia.
The canterville ghost ; niveau 2
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 29 Novembre 2007
- 9780194790154
Voodoo island ; niveau 2
- Oxford University Press English Language Teacher
- 9 Avril 2009
- 9780194790758